Shiatsu is a Japanese form of manual therapy that literally means ‘finger pressure’. It is closely related to acupuncture and has its origins in the ancient Oriental tradition of medicine and healing.
In the human body, our vital energy flows through a network of pathways called meridians, which are connected to our physical organs. It is important that the energy can flow freely and is evenly distributed throughout the body. When, for some reason, the energy along one or more meridians gets blocked, this results in an energetic imbalance which has a negative impact on both our physical and our mental well-being.
By applying gentle or firm pressure on the skin, the energy flow is restored. As a result, the body regains its natural ability to balance the energy distribution and any symptoms will disappear.
Every treatment course starts with a diagnosis that looks at every aspect of your current state of health and well-being.
Each session takes place on a padded cotton mat (futon) at floor level. It is advisable to wear loose, warm, comfortable clothing. Please do not put on perfume or aftershave before a session. Do not eat heavily before a treatment and, if possible, take some time out for yourself after the session so that its effect can continue.
I may give you some Do-In exercises to do at home, with the aim of further promoting the healing process.
Shiatsu triggers the body’s self-healing ability, giving you a chance to recover from a variety of complaints.
Headaches or migraines. Neck, shoulder and back pain. Muscle and joint pains and stiffness. Pain relief from chronic illness such as rheumatism, osteoarthritis, M.S. Digestive, stomach, and intestinal problems. Pregnancy complaints and fertility problems. Menstrual pain, PMS and menopause. Reduced vitality. Burnout. Depression. Trauma processing. Dissociation.
You’ll also find relief from unexplained, vague symptoms. Fatigue. Emotional and mental tension. Stress. Shortness of breath. Anxiety. Insomnia. Concentration problems, AD(H)D. Restlessness. Unreducible pain.
Treatments are by appointment only. Appointments cancelled at least 48 hours in advance will not be invoiced.
Rates per session:
45 euros for 30 minutes
55 euros for 40 minutes
60 euros for 45 minutes
75 euros for 60 minutes
90 euros for 75 minutes
99 euros for 90 minutes
Shiatsu treatments are exempt for VAT
Most health care insurers reimburse Shiatsu treatments at least partially, provided you have an additional insurance. An overview of treatments taken in charge by health care insurers is available here: overzicht vergoedingen zorgverzekeraars. You do not need a referral from your GP, and no costs will be deducted from your mandatory excess (eigen risico).
For information about the background, origins and development of Iokai Shiatsu therapy, the signs and symptoms that can be treated, as well as a list of certified practitioners, please refer to the website of the professional association: Vereniging voor Iokai Shiatsu Therapeuten
Chair massage
Seated Shiatsu or chair massage is a variant of the regular Shiatsu treatments. Due to the short duration and effectiveness of the treatments, this form of Shiatsu is particularly well-suited for companies.
Chair massage sessions are usually 20 minutes in length per person, and they can either take place on site at your company, or at my practice in Randwyck, Maastricht.
If a seated Shiatsu session should reveal health problems that need addressing, it is possible that I refer the person to another healthcare professional. Of course it is also possible to continue the treatment by having individual, regular Shiatsu sessions.
If you would like to know more about the possibilities for your company and to receive an estimate of the costs, please contact me on 0031 (0)43 3437588.
(Please note that for employers, Shiatsu sessions are tax-deductible expenses, provided that they are included in the company’s ‘Arboplan’ – the occupational health and safety plan.)